The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Working Again?

Yesterday, I was frustrated for about three hours.

It happened right after I looked at our financial situation and realized that we were getting by, but not by much. Then I got frustrated at myself for not having a job. Robert pointed out that I've been bringing in a decent amount doing massages here and there (definitely more than I would have made with a full time minimum wage job), but I still felt bad about it. I mean, he's working 8-9 hours a day and I'm working "occasionally" at best.

Am I contributing? Yes, but working is something I have done since I was 15. Except for my freshman year of college (which my Mom insisted that I use to focus on school�.and grade wise it was my best semester of college), I've pretty much always had a job.

Robert does not mind me not working. He has not said anything that would make me believe that I would have to get a job ASAP, but I feel like I need to.

Since being let go by the spa, I have not been employed by anyone. And it was EXACTLY what I needed. As I said, I have been working since I was 15 and I have had ONE vacation in there that I can remember. As I said, I NEEDED this break, and I enjoyed it, but now it's time to go back to work.

Right now, Robert and I are not in a position where we can afford for one of us to not be working, but he has been VERY supportive during the past month. He understood that I needed it, and noted that I was less stressed because I was out of the spa. One of the things he has said was that he does not want me to get stressed out again when I go back to work.

I�m looking forward to a time in my life (a few years down the road) when I don�t HAVE to work. I�m looking forward to having my job consist of raising kids and keeping our house running smoothly, but right now I�m actually content working because I feel productive.

We have financial goals and I realized that we probably weren�t going to reach them if I didn�t have a regular income that could go toward some of the bills. The way we were working when I was at the spa, all of the money I was making (every CENT) was going toward one bill a month (credit cards, student loans, whatever), so we could make a MAJOR dent in that bill, rather than chipping away at all of them a little at a time. I�m looking forward to going back to that, so we can meet our financial goals quicker.

Anyway, I�m going to interview at 9:30am, and I�ll keep you up to date on what happens, but it�s looking pretty promising.

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