The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
From Zero to Three in One Short Week

Last week, I had no job.

This week, yours truly is employeed a three different places.

The first job I took (and the one I like the most, but pays the least) is at the movie theatre. Woo hoo! Great fun AND I get to see movies for free.

I started this job last weekend and probably handled $20,000 all weekend. How much was I off? $5.50 for the ENTIRE weekend (and that was probably just a missed void or something simple like that)! The managers couldn't believe it, and I was kind of shocked myself. No one's ever off by just $5.50 for a BUSY three day period.

They said I'm a keeper.

Last week, I also got a call from Subway that they wanted to interview me. The interview consisted of one question: "When can you start?"

I started on Tuesday and have only worked two shifts, but because I can throw veggies on a sandwich rather quickly and am good with both people and money, they were shocked by how well I was doing for a Newbie.

They said I'm a keeper.

Last night, I went into a place called Raz'z which is a nice little restaurant/bar. One of the women who is a manager there was also a manager at Cooker. She BEGGED me to come to work for her because they need good servers and she said I was great at Cooker. Before I had made my decision, she had already brought me a description menu so I could start studying. Hee hee.

So, now I have to try to juggle three jobs (although, I'll tell you right now that if the theatre isn't willing to let me do just four shifts a week, then that will be the one I leave first...yes, it's my favourite, but it also pays the, it's temporary...I'm only Holiday season help and am leaving on the 17th of December), my sanity, my health and a relationship with a wonderful man (which, by the way, I have non-negotiable time scheduled in my week for us, so the jobs will just have to get over that).

That's my life for the moment. The madness begins the week after next and will continue until the 17th of December, when I get to drop one of the jobs.

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