The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Woah! Wait! Let Me Catch Up!

This afternoon, I am going to a friend's wedding. This isn't the first one of my friends to get married, and it won't be the last.

Last night, I went to a party and found out that one of the girls that I went to high school with is expecting her first child in August.

I was talking to Mom and she said that things like this happen in waves. First, everyone gets married, then everyone has kids, then everyone's parents begin to pass away, then everyone retires, etc.

Well, a few years ago, most of my friends my age hit the "get married" phase. I apparently wasn't paying attention because I missed it.

Still single.

Now, everyone's moving on to the "have babies" phase.

Luckily, I'm not THAT far behind. I have found someone that I love very much and that I am going to marry.

Now, if everyone would just take a breath, sit down and twiddle your thumbs for about a year, I'll be caught up, then we can continue moving forward.

Thank you for your time and attention.

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