The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
I've Seen This Before!!!.....several times

Here's something that my mom has been complaining about for quite some time, but I am only at this moment realizing what she has been saying.

Her big complaint is that my father and I can sit and watch the same movie over and over as if the ending is going to change (I think we might hold some kind of record for the movie Tremors....We pretty much watch it every time it's on TV).

I like the movie Road to Perdition.

I saw it three times in the theatre.

I flew to California for a 36 hour trip, so I could hear a lecture by Conrad Hall, who was the cinematographer on it.

I bought it when it came out on video.

I look at people kind of akwardly if they tell me they have yet to see it...which is usually followed by me loaning it to them.

In other words, I've seen this movie. I know how it starts, I know how it ends and I know what happens in between those two things.

At this very moment, Road to Perdition is on HBO. Granted, there are other things that I have not seen that are also on TV, but I have Road to Perdition on.

Go Figure.

( bad as it is with Road to Perdition, multiply by no less than 1500, and that's what you get when any of the LOTR movies are involved...I will block out time in my schedule)

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