The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Goals of a 25 Year Old

Well, today's the day.

I'm officially 25.

And you know what that means.....I'm old enough to rent a car. That means that when I travel, I'm no longer going to be dependant on everyone else!

Woo hoo!

I figure as I am now 25, I should set some goals.

Oh, the way, the last goal that I become a licensed massage therapist by the time I was 25 happened yesterday.

I took my national at 2:00 and by 3:27, I had passed. Now I just have a little bit more paperwork to go and I'll be done. Weeee!!!

Okay....goals to accomplish for this year.

This year, I want to travel!

This fire got started when I decided that I wanted to learn to surf. I thought about where I'd like to learn to surf and I thought of Hawaii. I started looking up websites and it was all over.

I've decided that I want to vacation in Kailuah, Hawaii. Yes, there's a reason that I have chosen this place. No, I'm not going to tell you here (although, if you ask nicely, I MAY tell you).

So, you know that I want to learn to surf and I want to do that in Hawaii.

Another one of my goals, now that I have a license in something that can actually earn me some money, I want to get all of my credit cards paid off. I would like to do this rather quickly. I've also decided that I'm going to hold off on the traveling until I get this done.

My third goal, but not as important, is to get the hell out of other words, Tennessee. I've been looking at moving to Vegas. That may or may not happen. I want to get the other goals done before I actually pick up and move.

Plus, I'm kind of getting into a relationship, and I know the guy isn't that fond of Vegas. Or moving out of Tennessee for that matter. There's a reason I'm not throwing myself into this relationship whole heartedly. *sigh*

Anyway, it's still early on the 8th, so I'm going to go out and pamper myself.

That's what birthdays are for!! :D

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