The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Over Paid Actors

Okay....there's not too many things in my life that are in place that I can count on being there no matter what.

CSI is one of those things. Since it started in 2000, I have been hooked big time on this show. I love the cast, and that's one of the main reasons that I haven't gotten into one of the spin offs...I didn't feel as connnected to the new casts as I did to Grissom, Katherine, Sarah, Nick, Warrick and Detective Brass. Seeing those six people on screen every week has actually been kind of comforting to me.

I enjoy coming home at 1 in the morning on Friday and watching the episode that I had taped because my hectic life would not allow me to crash in front of the tv during the actual airing. In college it was actually the best time of the week for me. I would sack out in the living room after working with my taped episode and just know that my school and work week were over. My roommates at the time (both of whom I got addicted to the show at one point or another) knew that I would be up late on Thursdays, watching the show.

Everyone on the show had a seven year conract. Yippee for me! Three more years of seeing my favourite cast work together for one hour a week. I was excited by the fact that I would be watching the same cast in my new home in the West as I have been watching here.

Comfort. Stability.

Then this morning, I roll out of bed and head to the computer to make sure all is right with the world...and I found this.


I've complained before about having no manner of luck. With anything. This just kind of supports that.

As upset and prone to kicking things over this as I am, I do have to admit that I am one of the first people to think that actors are WAY to over paid. I mean, these two were each making $100,000 per episode. How much more do they need exactly? I mean, after you're able to pay for your life (rent, bills, etc) how much money do you actually need.

On average, there's 13 episodes in a season. $100,000 x 13 = $1.3 million. I wish someone would pay me $1.3 million a year for doing my job.

I've been saying for years that they should just fire actors whose heads get so big that they think they should get more money for doing the same thing they've always done just because the show is doing well. I mean, it's not exactly like they're short changing them.

Why is it that the powers that be decide to listen to my little rant when my favourite show is involved?

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