The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Bitching at Random

It's two 'til one in the morning.

I've had a long day.

I'm tired.

I have a headache.

I have no rent money saved, which means that I'm going to be royaly screwed when the first of the month rolls around.

I left a guy at a bar who I probably should have brought back to my apartment, mainly to save him from himself....fear not, there's a WHOLE entry on this guy coming up in the very near future.

I have a lot on my mind because of the foreamentioned guy. I've actually had a lot on my mind for the past month or so because of him.

My skin is not as clear as I would like for it to be.

I still have to brush my teeth.

I'm cold and tired (yes, I know I've said I'm tired already, but that fact has not changed in the 90 seconds that I've been writing), and have an electric blanket that can help with both of those things, so I'm leaving now.

Today has not been a good day, if you haven't been able to tell.

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