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Goofy Quiz Answers

Don't you love those goofy quizes that your friends fill your mailbox with? Yeah, me neither. I don't mind them, but I'd rather get an actual email. Reguardless, I decided to actually give in and fill one out, but instead of sending it out and filling up YOUR mailbox, I decided to just post it here and let you read it at your leasure. If you want to fill it out and sent it on, feel free.

1. What is the longest you've gone without sleep? About four days, I believe.

2. When was the last time you had cookies and milk? Ha ha....funny you should ask. I actually had some Oreos and milk last week. Before that? I couldn�t even tell you because I�m not the world�s biggest fan of milk.

3. Favorite cereal? Total. Healthy and DOESN'T have impressed.

4. One thing you said as a child that got you into trouble? Hmmm....I�m not really sure to be honest.

5. When was the last time you were spanked? When I was probably four or so. Mom decided around that age that she didn�t want us spanked. Long stretches of groundings came in to play quite often because of that decision.

6. If you were to get plastic surgery on just one part of your body, which would it be? My lower stomach. Get rid of that little �pooch� thing I have going on.

7. Favorite sleeping position? Hmmm...I love curling up next to Bash on the day bed, but a) that only happens once in a blue moon and b) it takes us a good three hours to actually get comfortable and so all of our limbs are getting a sufficient amount of blood. When I�m by myself, I start out almost on my stomach with one leg curled up beside me and I�m clutching my teddy bear, but RIGHT BEFORE I fall asleep I flip over to my back. Don�t know why, but I�ve been doing that for years.

8. If you could be one of the seven dwarfs, which would you be? I�d love to say that I�m Doc...the one who runs the show and that everyone turns to, but in reality, I have a lot more days when I�m more like Grumpy. Although, at this exact moment, Sleepy isn't looking so bad.

9. What would be your one regret if you were to be struck by lightning and die right now? That I haven�t shipped Faith�s birthday present or ordered Chris�. At least, those are the ones I�m willing to own up to on a blog entry where people (such as my parental units) have access to.

10. Favorite commercial? Hee hee....I really like this one for the Kentucky Lottery where this guy is taking a final exam in college and suddenly remembers that he has lotto tickets in his pocket. He actually takes time out of the test to scratch them off. He wins something like twenty bucks, but is on the last question when the teacher calls for everyone to put pencils down. He continues to write as everyone else turns in their tests and leave the room. When he is done with his answer, he gets up and walks to the teacher�s desk where he is told that he cannot turn it in because he was working longer than the time allowed. The guy looks at the teacher and goes �Do you know who I am?!� in a tone that a rock star would use when trying to get a table at a crowded restaurant. The teacher looks at him and tells him that he honestly doesn�t know or care. The guy looks at him for a moment, reaches for the pile of tests, picks up half of them, slides his in the middle and walks away. I�ve only seen it once and it was about four years ago, but I friggin� LOVE that commercial!!

11. Who did you last go camping with? Real camping? Ah, yes....the Canoe Trip from Hell back in September. I went with Danny and the other ZAs. I drug my friend Katie along. Camping was the fun part....I could have done without getting stuck on rocks in a shallow river in an aluminum canoe for the better part of two days.

12. Ever met anyone famous? All the time actually. It�s a nice perk of being a Production Assistant...and flat out being in the right place at the right time for me. *sigh*

13. Who is your favorite Batman? George Clooney. The movie was horrid, but...IT�S GEORGE CLOONEY!!

14. What was your favorite childhood cartoon? Dungeons & Dragons!! It�s STILL my favourite cartoon! (Some close runners up are Rainbow Bright, Strawberry Shortcake, She-Ra, Transformers, GI Joe and My Little Pony)

15. Last place you went on a road trip to? At the beginning of last month I went to Iowa for my grandfather�s funeral. It wasn�t exactly the most fun road trip, but I was stuck in a car for the better part of two days that week, so it counts.

16. Favorite Michael Jackson song (and don't lie and say you don't have one)? Thriller. Anything that Vincent Price had anything to do with can�t be all bad.

17. Who was the first person you kissed? Scott

18. Who was the last person you kissed? hmmm....that's classified info.

19. Favorite SNL sketch? I can�t pinpoint one, but I�m willing to bet ten bucks that Chris Kattan is in it.

20. What was the last thing you wished for? That my skin would remain clear.

21. How expensive were the last pair of shoes you bought? Not very. I think they were like $14. I don�t really see a point in spending a lot on shoes because I�m really rough on them and they don�t last long anyway.

22. Name one thing you've purchased and never used, but keep telling yourself you're gonna? Any exercise related thing that I own.

23. Quote a movie: �The only thing that�s left for you to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.� �Gandalf the Grey (Ian McKellen) in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

24. Favorite Pjs? The Ralph Lauren T-shirt that Bash �loaned� me when I got sick at his apartment (I�m kind of thinking that he�s not going to be getting it back anytime soon). I despise names like Tommy Hillfigger and Ralph Lauren, but there�s just something about sleeping in a guys shirt that�s very comforting to me.

25. Have you ever gotten a fortune from a fortune cookie that you kept? I keep them all the time.

26. If so, what did it say? I can�t really recall a specific one at the moment. I had one taped to my monitor for the longest time.

27. Favorite candy bar? For some reason, I�ve been craving a Kit Kat for about three days, so I�m going to go with that. On a normal basis, I�m not really a chocolate fan, so it would probably be something along the line of Twizzlers or Sour Patch Kids

28. Who's the funniest person you know? Nate Eppler. I haven�t seen him in a few years, but he�s still the king.

29. Who's the meanest? I used to think that it was this girl at work that we called �Roadblock�, but as of last night, Andrianna now holds the title because she takes it upon herself to tell everyone at work things that they ought not to know.

30. Is it possible to have more than one best friend? Absolutely.

31. What is your favorite picture of yourself? For years it�s been my senior picture from High School, but last week Mom and I took some that I hope turn out decent. I�m much better at being behind the cameras and making the other people look good than I am at being in front of the camera.

32. What's the worst pick up line? They make good ones?! Actually, I did hear one that was kind of cute: �You know what I like about you? My arms.� Hee hee...okay, so I heard it on rerun of �Three�s Company� a few years ago, but I guess it still counts.

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