The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Randomness, Part I

At least once a day, something happens and I think to myself "I'm going to write about that in the blog later" then later comes along and I've been distracted by something else and THAT'S what actually gets written about. Tonight, I'm going to quickly sum up all of those things that I said I was going to write about. Enjoy!

*I was stuck in traffic yesterday. There was this yahoo next to me trying to creep in (even though we were bumper to bumper) because he, like everyone else in Nashville, does not grasp the concept of merging. Anyway, he was relentless, so I just gave up and stopped, allowing him to get in front of me (at the rate he was going, the only other option was to become part of THE most avoidable accident in the history of the world). Well, as he gets in front of me, I glanced down at his license plate. I swear on my life that the license plate read "FRODO".

*I've stopped wondering why Americans are so fat. My friend and I went to McDonald's the other day and I noticed that the Chicken Nuggets Kid's Meal now consists of SIX chicken nuggets instead of the four that have always come in it. Also, the Chicken Nuggets Meal that McDonald's use to offer now has NINE nuggets, not six. The portions keep getting bigger. Eventually the kid's meals are going to have the TWENTY piece nuggets.

*I got a 94% on my bone landmarks test tonight! Weee!!!

*The employees at The Cooker of Cool Springs are going to need to pitch in to buy a bigger shovel soon to dig ourselves out of the emense amount of bull shit we're being given by the managers.

*There's this guy at work who I have begun to hang out with lately. Nothing romantic, but it's just really nice to have a guy to pal around with again. Last Saturday, we were hanging out at Beethoveen's (a local bar we frequent every Friday and/or Saturday night) and we decided to make plans for the following evening. Keep in mind, we were trying to make these plans after (between us) we had consumed a Long Island, about five beers and several shots (okay...I had the LIT, he had everything else....I never said he was the BEST person to be hanging out with). So, this was what he proposed: "Tomorrow, I'm going to bring over that 27 inch TV [apparently mine drives him nuts because it's ONLY 19 inches....I only watch 2 shows a week, so it's sufficient for me], we're going to watch the extended versions of the first two Lord of the Rings movies while we finish off the Grey Goose Vodka and Captain Morgan's, then we're going to sleep Monday away." Honestly, the most appealing part of that was the whole sleeping away the Monday thing. I love curling up and just sleeping away a morning...I don't get to do it nearly enough anymore. Anyway, Sunday night rolls around and I'm watching the Golden Globes. After they're over, I call work to see if he's still there. He's not. I call his house and leave a message on his machine in case he went there to change. About ten minutes after I leave the message, my phone rings. "Oh my god! I forgot!" was what I was greeted with. He is the EPITOMY of what a stereotypical guy is. :) The fog was too bad that night, so he came over the next morning. We cut out the alcohol and sleeping part, but we did watch the extended version of FOTR. When the movie was over, we started picking on one another as if we were the elected representatives for our sexes. "At what point do they program into girls that you have to do this stuff?" he started, looking at this little book I have about 101 things to do to pamper yourself. It just kind of went back and forth from there until he had to go to work and I to school.

*The guy in the foreamentioned story is probably going to be the first person that I actually view the entire LOTR trilogy with. I got to thinking about this tonight. Although we have watched it all out of wack (ROTK, then FOTR), once we watch TTT, he will officially be the first person I've seen all three with. Unless my mom cares to step in (hint, hint) and go see ROTK with me before Basham and I make more drunk plans to watch TTT.

Blah...Okay, that's all I'm going to write about for tonight. I've kind of run out of steam because I've been going for the past four days non-stop.

I'll probably write more random things later.


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