The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Pushing Away

For some reason, I have this amazing ability to push everyone in my life away. Fortunately, I don't use the sense that I don't push EVERYONE away. But I have been doing a bit of Spring Cleaning in the friend department lately.

At work, mostly everyone is driving me bananas. The managers can't get their act together, so it's putting a lot of stress on the rest of the staff. Why am I telling you this? Because I apparently take out all of my anger in the form of pushing people away.

Rest assured, if you're reading this, you're probably one of the people I actually want in my life. This also applies to people who are A) related to me B) living in CA and go to film school (or are married to such a person) and have very little free time in which to keep in touch with me...I know it's not because you don't care :) C) I considered you my friend and you moved away....say to Elyria or Colorado, D) you ever took care of me when I was sick from Vodka, E) I've gone on the canoe trip from Hell with you, F) I had to leave you behind in Bowling Green when I left because I couldn't cram you in any of my bags, G) I've ever watched LOTR with you (if I've seen it in the theatre with you, you're gold), H) I've spent more than 12 consecutive hours on a road trip with you and DIDN'T throw you out of the car on the return trip, I) your initals are LLM and you work in the film industry J) I spent the better part of September 11, 2001 sacked out on the couch with you watching the news, or J) I go out drinking with you every weekend.

Surely everyone I care about fits into one of those categories, so you're safe :)

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