The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
It rings! What are the odds?

I think it might be a sign that the world is coming to an end. Last week, I got a cell phone. I never thought it would happen, but it has. Actually, several things lead to this decision: 1) the fact that in about 2 months I'm going to be moving into my own place and will have to get a phone anyway and 2) production work is murder without a cell phone. I've been using my mom's while I've been on gigs so far, but I needed to have something where the number I give everyone is actually the number I have all the time. In other words, it was time to get a cell phone.

Tonight, I was reminded of why I avoided getting a cell phone.

I got home from running to Barnes & Noble and found my dad dozing on the couch. I flipped off the TV and was quietly making my way toward the hall that leads to my room. Well, it wasn't until I was at the point closest to the couch that anyone decides to call me! Imagine my suprise when the quietness of the night was disrupted by my phone playing whatever symphony I have chosen as my ring. I imagine it had to be quite a sight to see me first of all trying to figure out what that noise was (can you tell that I'm new to the cell phone game?) and then when I did realize what it was, trying to get outside so the ring wouldn't disturb anyone.

Man...when I was planning out how to write about that, it seemed a lot more exciting. Oh, well. Check back in the next few days and I may have the story of the night we got to play with 240 nipples! Good times were had by all.

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