The current mood of Siann at
My World ::

For some reason, today I want to talk about teaching. If you know me at all, you more than likely know that in college I majored in Elementary Education. Oddly enough, the place I went to learn how to be a teacher is actually the one thing that scared me away from it. One of the things that our professors drilled into our heads is how paranoid people have become. I wanted to be a teacher because I love little kids. They're so innocent and see the world as I wish I still could. Unfortunately, nowadays you can't even look at the children wrong or a parent is ready to sue you for everything you have.

Anyone who's been around me for any amount of time knows that I'm a very touchy person. I'm a big fan of giving hugs and I like being in contact with other human beings. I could not imagine being in a room with 30 or 35 6-year-olds for nine months and not hugging them or patting them on the back for a job well done. Kids of that age do not understand why their teachers are scared of them. I know that when I was little, teachers were near the top of that list of people you could trust. You know the list: parents, policemen, teachers, etc.

During WWII, Hitler conducted an experiment with babies. He had two groups of newborns (which he took from their families, of course). For group A, he provided them with food, water, clean diapers and little else. With group B, he provided food, water, clean diapers and love. Every baby in group B survived while all of the babies in group A died. The experiment was successful in proving that humans cannot survive without love.

In the end, I made the decision to not become a teacher because I was scared to death of the parents being so paranoid of my encouraging their children by patting them on the back.

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