The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Horror Writer?

I'm a reader. I always have been. I just love books.

In the last few weeks, I have blown through all of the books I own, reading the ones I had over looked in years past and re-reading the ones that I fell in love with the first time.

Dracula is a favourite of mine. It has been since I first got my hands on it at the age of 12. I have read this book probably twice a year for the past 12 years. Well, at the end of last year, the poor little paperback copy of Dracula that I had been hauling around for over a decade finally fell apart. It was quite incredible. First the cover fell off, then it was like all of the binding just decided to give out at once and the pages were all free. Two hundred and something pages with no order. It was a sign. It was time to retire that copy.

Recently, I've really wanted to read that book again. Because I'm unemployed and cannot currently afford the $5.95 for another copy, I decided to hit the library.

First order of business was aquiring a new card. My other one had expired while I was in college, but at that point I had the libraries there, so I didn't really need the Williamson County Public Library.

After getting a new card, I looked around for a card catalogue, only to be hit with the realization that all of the card catalogues have been replaced with computers. Not so much a fan of that. I actually liked thumbing through the cards looking for a specific telling how many other interesting titles you'd come across.

Anyway, I did a search for "Dracula" and was directed to "F Sto". It had also been a while since I'd read The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, so I did a search for that as well. This time, the computer directed me to "F Ste".

How odd. Two of my favourite books are by authors whose names begin with "St".

I'm an "Sta"...maybe I'm meant to create the world's next legendary monster.

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