The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Hey! Guess what!

I'm not dead! (that's always a good thing)

Sorry for the serious delay in writing, but I've been.....well, tired.

And not much has gone on in my life that's out of the ordinary.

I'm still working at the spa. Still rubbing on people for 30, 60 and 90 minutes at a time. I've actually been overworked the past couple of weeks, so I took some days off this week. Were the bosses happy? Nope. Do I give a tiny rat's ass? Nope. I'm totally excited because someday I will be able to stay at home, cleaning, cooking and wrangling toddlers. (yes, I am one of *those* women...I want my job to be running a household)

I'm still married.

Wait....let me try that again.

I'm still deleriously happily married! (english majors everywhere just shuddered).

Of all the things that I was ever meant to be, married to Robert is at the top of the list. He has saved me, rather he admits it or not. I go back and I read past entries that I have in this blog and wonder how I ever got through. The good thing now is that I do not really remember all of the bad things that I had to go through to become his wife.

Is our marriage perfect? Only someone in denial would say yes to that.

No, our marriage isn't perfect, but it's FAR from bad. We're just working out all of the little kinks that people need to work out when they get married.

I never really took time to consider how I squeeze the toothpaste tube before I was married. I squeezed, paste came out, teeth got brushed. Mission accomplished.
When I got married, I started to notice that all of the toothpaste in the tube was suddenly migrating to the open end. Ooookaaaay. It took me a while to realize that Robert squeezes from the end and thus pushes the toothpaste to the opposite end of the tube, which is near the capped end. I just kind of gripped in the middle and went for it. Same result, just different ways of getting there.
Honestly, the solution we reached was that we have to have two different tubes of toothpaste. The whole squeezing thing wasn't driving us nuts, but my choice of toothpaste was. I like anything with cinnamon and Colgate just came out with a cinnamon flavor. Yummy.

I apparently haven't learned new bride etiquette.

Last week, Robert and I were enjoying a dinner of French Toast at Cracker Barrell. While we were waiting for our food to arrive, I spotted one of my friends across the restaurant. I promptly shreeked a little, got up and went to where he was. After greeting Josh with a hug, we stood in the middle of the restaurant and quickly caught up. After a few moments, Josh and I parted ways and I went back to my table and appologized to my husband for leaving. He understood. He said, "I looked over and you were hugging a guy who was shorter than you, and I realized it was Panicho."

Hee issues because of it, I just find it somewhat humerous. It also says a lot because Robert isn't the least big jealous of Josh, nor should he be. Robert knows that Josh is one of my closest guy friends and that will probably never change.

We're off to a great start in our marriage and there's no one else I'd rather go through all of this with.

We still have some things to work out. Like, I'm learning that just because he a little quiet, he's not mad at me. He is learning how to deal with me on days when my skin is bad and I can't tolerate human touch.

It's tough....but it's sooooo worth it.

I love hearing him say that he loves me, or when he puts his arm around me when we watch TV. I love discussing the names of our future children with him, even though they are a few years away from being born.

I just love being married to Robert. It's the best thing in the world.

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