The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
I'm Not Meant to be Here

I'm so not meant to be here.

I'm going bananas.

Right now, I am supposed to be at work, bitching about how idiotic the customers can be, goofing off with co-workers and MAKING MONEY.

Instead, I'm sitting in my apartment, trying to finish up a really bad book (I'm down to the last 50 pages...I figure I've commited myself thus far, might as well see it through), watching a SEVERLY edited version of Mr. Holland's Opus on cable and bitching about both on the internet!

I'm one of those people who just cannot sit still. Unless I'm on vacation or something to that effect, I'm just not happy sitting around doing nothing.

Not working is driving me nuts.

Today I've taken a shower, read, went to my parents house, read some more, made dinner, then went back to the book again. I've done absolutely nothing productive. All of the places that I've interviewed at say "We'll call you early next week."

Good. Great. Wonderful.

But the thing is, I've got to kill time with things that AREN'T making me money or providing me with insurance until "early next week"!


I'm so going to The Bar tonight.

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