The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
New Year's Resolutions

Welcome to 2006!

I was going to make my resolution to update this blog everyday.

Then I realized that I'm boring.

No, seriously.

If I were to write an entry at this very moment (well, about something meaningful that is....obviously, I'm writing about something), I would end up writing about one of the following topics:

*The haircut I gave my dog yesterday (okay, well, half a haircut...he started shivering like he was freezing, so I stopped without finishing his back legs or tail. The thing is, my dog has learned how to "fake shiver" in order to make us hurry bath time along. So I don't know if he was actually cold, or just guilt tripping me. I'm going to guess the second because then he ran around the house mocking me for the rest of the day ["Neener neener, I win. Now you have to look at my big hairy butt all day"]).

*The zit the size of a ladybug that's taken up residence my nose and has been plaguing me for the past two days, but has finally decided to rear its ugly head with the turning of the year

*How Robert and I didn't go to any hip parties for New Years, but, rather, opted to stay at home and ring in the New Year with a bottle of the sparkling grape juice (the red kind, of course). Didn't even celebrate with the real stuff we bought because I was terrified of the cork...well, not of the cork, but rather of losing an eye, a good piece of China or a husband to a rogue cork shot off by yours truly. Maybe we'll get a ship someday that we can Christen with it.


*This weird/interesting/funny as all get out in some parts movie that I watched last night.

I could always write about the fact that we're moving on Saturday, but I'm sure I'll write enough about it when the time comes. About what a pain in the rear it is, about who got injured when we tried to lug some ungodly heavy item up a flight of stairs, etc.

So, see, I really have nothing of interest to write about. I need a new resolution.


Well, I could always change the template on this blog. It's WAY past due for that.

Any suggestions?

Oh, and I want to get a comments page. I'm overdue for one of those too.

There. Resolution updated.

Now I'm back to bed. For some reason, work decided to close today. I guess they didn't want a lot of drunk/hungover therapists working on people.

I guess I could have had that second glass of grape juice.

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