The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
I, Chameleon

I really need to learn to control when I crack jokes.

I have such a dry sense of humour that not a lot of people get it. Tonight was a prime case.

At school, there's a guy named Rob. To refresh your memory, Rob is in the class ahead of me and for whatever reason we lose all ability to form words when we're around one another. If it's just us I mean. If John or someone else is around, we can go on and on, but it's like we have to have another person there to break the ice.

Anyway, tonight I was in the student lounge, flipping through a magazine and Rob walked in. After a moment, I looked up to realize that he was starring at me.

"What?" I questioned.

"You have more looks than anyone I know," he said.

I thought about it for a moment and had no idea what he was talking about, so (with all the intellegence I could find), I said "huh?"

"Last week you had capris on and your hair in a ponytail. That was kind of a 50's thing. Then the next day you had part of your hair back and for some reason it made you look like a strict rule follower. Today your hair's kind of wild and you have on heavier eye liner than normal, so you look like of rock starish. I've never seen anyone have so many looks," he explained.

"Oh," I said, finally understanding. At this point, the dry sense of humour kicks in. "I've been diagnosed with multiple personalities. I'm actually four people sharing one body," I quipped.

Yep. It took us two and a half months to be able to form words around one another, but by the look on his face at that moment told me that he would probably never talk to me again.

"Joking!" I said.

"Oh!" he said, with a smile.

The very brief/akward conversation made me realize that I do have a very wide range to not only the way I dress, but the way I live.

Clothing wise, I used to be most comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, but recently, I found myself more comfortable in my "girly" shirts or my "hippie" shirts. Barefeet take preference over any kind of shoes, but Converse aren't totally bad.

Living wise, I'm very comfortable being the quiet one. The thinker. I love curling up with a 1000 page book and just reading for days on end. I'm also just as comfortable hanging out at The Bar with a group of friends, drinking a beer. Given the proper instructions, I can ballroom dance just as easy as I can Electric Slide. One weekend in college I actually played mud football on a rainy Friday night, then turned around on Sunday, got dressed up and went to see a play in Nashville. I love the manual labor that comes with production work. I'm one of the first female production assistants in everyone's recent memory who actually likes to build stages and haul cables. Likewise, I'm also comfortable answering the phones day in and day out or being the one to stand on stage for two hours going "" into the mike over and over and over.

I don't know that I'll ever fit into just one category. In high school, there were the cheerleaders, the goths, the jocks, the stoners, the drama geeks, the hicks, etc. I was friends with them all because I easily adapt to whatever is around me.

I'm just very grateful that I'm not strictly a "girly" girl. That would just drive me nuts. I like looking nice, but I don't like spending hours to get that way or worrying about breaking a nail. I'm not saying that I'm totally NOT girlish. While I'm kind of rough and tumble, I do like it when guys are chivalrous...holding doors, offering their coats, etc. I'm not letting chivalry die without a fight.

I like being a chameleon. It works for me.

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