The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Pissed Off In Reality Because Of A Dream

Okay....explain to me how you can be pissed off at someone for something they did to you....IN A DREAM!!!

I just rolled out of bed (it's before noon, be impressed, People). Before the rolling commenced, I was in the middle of a dream.

In said dream, I had one of my friends from CA visiting and we were house sitting for my parents. We were settling in for bed one night when he admits: "I haven't exactly been completely honest with you."

I didn't hesitate in throwing the covers off and getting out of the bed.

"Haven't been completely honest you've kept something from me or haven't been comletely honest you flat out lied to me?" I questioned.

"The second one," he said.

He goes on to tell me what he had lied to me about. I don't think I said anything, but I just turned and walked into what use to be "my room", locked the door and curled up in that bed.

Now, when you go to sleep in a dream and wake up in reality....that's when things can get hairy.

I woke up at that point, mad as hell at him. It took until I was looking at myself in the mirror, brushing my teeth for it to dawn on me that everything hadn't actually happened.

The truly fucked up thing is that I'm still a little irked at him. I'm thinking I was more mad at myself than him. Minus the setting, what happened in the dream has happened in reality. I was just mad that I had let it happen AGAIN.

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