The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
The ABC's of Yours Truly

A is for age
26 years, 1 month

B is for booze of choice
Bailey�s�on the rocks, straight up, I don�t care

C is for career
Massage Therapist at the moment

D is for your dad's name

E is for essential items to bring to a party
Juice�I�m usually the one who DOESN�T drink, so I bring my own juice

F is for favorite song at the moment
I heard "Welcome to the Jungle" the other day and cannot get it out of my head, but I do like it, so it's not all bad.

G is for favorite game
I like lotsa board games�Trivial Pursuit is at the top of the list

H is for hometown
The biggest small town in Tennessee

I is for instruments you play
I can play anything you put in front of me�how good I can play it is another thing. Honestly, lately I�ve really gotten into learning how to play the drums of all things.

J is for jam or jelly you like
Strawberry�don�t care what brand

K is for kids?
None yet

L is for living arrangements
Crashing with Mom and Dad until we get some of the debt paid off.

M is for mum's name

N is for name of your crush
My husband, Robert (shhhh�it�s a secret)

O is for overnight hospital stays
I�ve had a few, the latest being just over 2 years ago

P is for phobias
Flying�hate flying. Not too big on clowns either

Q is for quotes
�The only thing left for you to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.� --Gandalf the Grey, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

R is for relationship that lasted the longest
The one I�m currently in.

S is for sexual preference
That�s a secret.

T is for time you wake up
Changes daily, but as late as possible.

U is for underwear
Yep, they�re there.

V is for vegetable you love
Big fan of spinach. But I like pretty much everything except celery.

W is for weekend plans
Kicking back on Saturday, working on Sunday.

X is for x-rays you've had
A few�can�t remember at the moment.

Y is for yummy food you make
I�m learning to cook, so there�s lots of yummy food.

Z is for zodiac sign

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