The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Milk Products are Out to Destroy Me

So this morning I've come to the conclusion that milk products hate me.

I'm not talking in the sense that I get sick when I eat a really gooey piece of cheese pizza. I'm talking about the fact that since I have moved into the apartment, I have done more stupid things with them than at any time prior in my life.

For example, with in the first month that I was here I splurged and got 1/2 a gallon of ice cream. While watching CSI one week, I made myself an ice cream cone and proceeded to put the ice cream away. The next morning, I'm going for the eggs to make breakfast and what do I see in the refrigerator? The ice cream! The fridge is nice and cool, but not cool enough to keep ice cream frozen. That's why I have a freezer.

Shortly after the ice cream incident, I decided to have cereal. After work that day (a good eight hours later), I come home to discover the 1/2 gallon of milk still sitting on the counter.

I'm not such a huge fan of milk to start with, so it's no big suprise that I had been buying 1/2 gallon sizes, but recenty had to go down to a quart. My first experience with the quart size plastic jug wasn't as tragic as one would think. The basic story is that I discovered it in my fridge the other day. It expired on December 15th. It was unopened, so basically it just looks like a quart of unopened milk. It looks fine, but I'm not about to open it. At the rate I'm going, the milk itself will jump out of the jug and take up arms. The coroners will never figure that one out.

Yesterday I went shopping and bought a quart of milk in one of those paper cartons that don't reseal. Nothing's happened yet, but I can almost tell you now how this is going to end.

I haven't had an act of stupidity involving milk products in a bit, but today, it struck again. I decided on cereal this morning, but I also decided that I wanted hot chocolate. The cereal and milk were prepared and eatten before the water in the kettle was boiling, so I decided to load the dishwasher. As I preforming this task, the water begins to boil, so I take 30 seconds to add it to the hot chocolate mix (milk chocolate hot chocolate mix if you're wondering). I put the cup aside to let it cool a bit. When the dirty dishes had been successfully loaded into the dishwasher, I turn back to get my hot chocolate and it was gone. I live alone, so there's only a finite number of places it could have walked off to. It actually took me a minute to piece together that I had dumped the freshly made hot chocolate out and loaded the cup into the washer! It wouldn't have been a big deal because I had plenty of nearly boiling water to make another cup. But the hot chocolate that I used had been the last pack in the apartment. *grumble*

So, from writing this, I've learned two things: 1) I need to start buying soy products and 2) I need to stop watching TV when doing anything else because my body just kind of goes on autopilot and while it does an alright job, it will do little stupid things like putting the ice cream in the refrigerator and pouring out freshly made hot chocolate.

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