The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Fighting to Live

I'm so tired of fighting.

I feel like I have to fight far too hard and I still get nothing. I work far too hard at a restaurant for too little money. The managers claim to "appreciate and care about us" which I do not doubt, but they are taking no actions to bring more business in. They get paid their salary AND get an end of the year bonus. We get none of that. We are at the mercy of the customers to tip well. We are also at the mercy of the manager to NOT put EIGHTEEN people on the floor on Saturday nights so everyone walks with about FIFTY dollars. I've been assured by the managers that they "won't let [us] starve". I work at a restaurant. I'm not so much worried about starving as I am keeping my apartment, being able to pay my bills, being able to pay for my medicines...which I have been going without for the past few months because I simply cannot afford them.

I don't spend a lot of money on myself anymore. I spend about six dollars a week on Saturday nights when I go to Beethoveen's with my friends. I always get something to eat, and they give it to us half price, so the six dollars I mentioned also includes the two-fifty tip. There are really only two things that I want, but I cannot afford: the RotK soundtrack, which has been out for a month, and the RotK visual companion.

I also feel as if I am literally fighting to live lately. My asthma and eczema have been so bad that I don't want to even leave my apartment.

Blah. It's 10:10. I have to go to my crappy job and be lied to some more.

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