The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
2 Miles Just Isn't Enough

Looking back, more thought should have gone into this.

I moved in August. I now have my own place which I love and which is approximately three minutes from work if I hit every light green (or if I just choose to ignore the whole traffic light system). Looking back, I should have put more thought into the whole where I live in relation to where I work bit.

My coming to this conclusion is based on several things:

1) between my apartment and work there are (are you ready for this?) SEVEN stoplights AND a train track. Like I said, two minutes if I hit everything just right. On an off day, it can take me as long as fifteen minutes to get the two miles from point A to point B.

2) I just experienced my first truly cold day since moving into the apartment. I'm thinking now that I should live farther away from work so the heat in my car actually has a chance to become somewhat warm before turning the car off upon arriving at my destination. The days where I pick Josh up are nice because by the time I actually get to his apartment, the car is warm.

Okay, two. My desire to move farther away from work is based on two things. I don't know if that counts as "several" or not, nor do I really care.

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