The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Such Is My Life

Okay. So, my roommate is out of town, nay, out of the COUNTRY for six whole weeks! Weee!!! Apartment to myself.

Now, with Matt being gone, I was planning on spending some serious quality time with my computer and EQ, which I have been neglecting since I moved in with Matt (due to the lack of Internet anywhere in the apartment, except for his room). He told me I could download EQ on his PC when he left. No sooner did the door close, before I raced to his room to install EQ.

And therein lies the problem.

When he left, Idiot Boy TOOK HIS HARDDRIVE WITH HIM!!!!

Now, he's going to Australia to see his girlfriend. What exactly is he going to need his hard drive from his PC in TN for?

I called him because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the thing. It just kept telling me to install about fifty million things. At one point I got so frustrated that I threw a disk and sent it ricocheting off two of the four walls in his room. I called him on the way to school, but, of course, he was on his way to LA to meet his connecting flight. He called me back when he landed in LAX and I told him his computer wasn't working. It was then that he realized that I wouldn't be able to use his computer without the harddrive that he had with him.

He made the suggestion of taking the cable connection that was in his room and moving it to mine.

Good theory.

I took the connector and hooked everything up. It was then that I discovered that I have no cable whatsoever in my room (the TV's in the living room and I knew that I didn't have Internet in my room, so I never had a reason to hook it up before now).

After much stomping about the apartment, cursing at the top of my lungs and tossing the useless cords across the room (hey, I'm a redhead....there's a temper that comes with that honour), I finally decided that I'm just going to cancel the internet and drop our cable package down to the bare minimum.

I'm not paying $44 for internet that I cannot use and another $25 something extra for channels I won't watch. As long as I have CBS to watch CSI, and ABC to watch The Lost this fall, I'm good. If Matt wants the Internet so badly, he can pay to have it reconnected when he returns. We were having issues with the Internet before because I never had it connected in my room (WHICH was the ONLY thing I requested when we moved in together), yet I was still having to pay 1/2 of the Internet bill. He kept saying he was going to have it hooked up in my room via....well, something I don't really understand, but the fact remains that it has not yet happened.

I'm perfectly fine going to the library or my parental unit's house to check my email and friend's blogs every few days.

But I'm done paying a full share for something I get to use a quarter of the time.

P.S. If anyone wants to get in touch with me, the best/fastest way is probably going to be through snail mail or phone, since I don't have an abundance of time to be running around town checking email. If you need my address or phone number, email me and I'll send it out. Otherwise, I'm going to try to stay on top of this blog when I have time.

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