The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
Slow News Day

Not really much to write about least not yet. The day is young.

Yesterday was rather uneventful for me. Didn't return the shoes, but I did go to Target and spend the $50 gift certificate Mom and Dad gave me for my birthday. Talk about bargin shopping! For $50, I got "Cinderella", "Frequency", "The Last Castle", "What Dreams May Come", and "The Four Feathers". All of that cost me just over $45 (Target has some GREAT sales on movies if you're trying to build your collection), which left me $5 for a coffee at the Starbucks that is located inside the Target.

Robert and I have been talking about building our movie collection rather quickly when we're finally out of debt, but we still use certain occasions (birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, etc) to get a movie here and there.

We also got Mom and Dad one of their Christmas presents early. Why 2 1/2 months early? Well, we got them a fire pit for the porch and we figure we could buy it early and enjoy it during the chilly fall and winter months, thus getting about 5 months of use out of it, rather than actually giving it to them on Christmas and only getting to use it for 2 or so months this year.

We wasted no time. We got it home, lit a fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows (well, Robert and I roasted, Mom allowed the marshmallow to catch fire and "charred", but that's now she like it...come to think of it, she did the same thing to the hot dog. I prefer mustard and onions over char, but hey, to each his own). After dinner, we were sitting around the fire talking and one of our dogs (the bigger one), got a little too close to the fire. Fear not, she didn't go up in a ball of flame. She was sniffing the porch near the fire pit, then looked up and got startled because she was closer to the fire than she had wanted to be (but if you ask her, I'm sure she'll say it "snuck up" on her). She jumped and in turn, we all jumped because we thought she had burned herself, but she started wagging her tail right away and seeked out the comfort of the closest human. We learned that the rim she touched with her nose was a comfortable warm, not hot, but we can understand how terrifying it can be to look up and see a fire as big as you are a mear 6 inches away when you think you've still got a good 3 or so feet between it and yourself (but it doesn't make it any less funny for the observers!).

After that, we called it a day. I played a game of poker online to unwind and I placed 2nd out of 10 in the tournament. One day I should play for real money. right now it's just for play, but no less fun.

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