The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
I'm Having A Heart Attack! Oh, no wait...

I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer....I never claimed to be.

But today, I topped myself.

Today I was in my car, headed to a massage appointment (giving, not receiving, unfortunately) when my chest started feeling funny. Then it stopped. Then it started again. This continued for a minute, leaving me flipping out that something life threatening was physically wrong with me.

It was only when I reached up to touch the area between my breasts that I remembered--today when I was getting dressed, I put on these super comfy pants that I wear when I do massage. Unfortunately, these pants do not have pockets. When I was running around, trying to get myself organized today, I grabbed my cell phone and instinctively went to put it in the fifth pocket of the pants, because that's where it usually stays tucked away during my day. Remembering that I didn't have pockets, I improvised and put my phone down my shirt and into my bra.

Because I'm just terrified that my phone will go off when I'm at work or in class, I usually just keep it on vibrate mode, so when it rings, it doesn't disturb anyone.

Yep, you guessed it.

My "heart attack" was my phone ringing.


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