The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
March 2, 2005

Last Wednesday was "date night" for Robert and I. Basically, it's what it sounds like. Either he travels from Murfreesboro to Franklin or I drive from Franklin to Murfreesboro and we hang out, go to dinner, catch a movie, whatever.

Last Wednesday, Robert got into town later than I expected him to. We hung out around the apartment for about an hour, while I was unwinding from my day and making a list of errands I had to get done.

When the errand running began, we took out the trash, then went to check the mail and return a movie I checked out from the library. When I turned around from sorting the mail into the "Stuff we need" and "Stuff I can chuck" piles, Robert was on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, holding out the diamond ring his aunt had worn for fifty years during her engagement and marriage.

I stopped for a moment, then reponded "Did you talk to my father?!"

I wasn't so hung up on it, but him talking to my dad was required before he could propose, and I hadn't heard anything about him talking to my dad.

He said yes, and so did I.

Some little random guy who happened to be checking his mail threw a "congratulations" our way and bolted, trying to excuse himself from the situation.

But wait, there's more!

On Saturday I was working at the spa and went in the room to give my fourth and last massage of the day. When I began working on the gentleman's head, I had to stop because I had forgotten to take my ring off.

"I just got engaged on Wednesday and I keep forgetting to take my ring off before I start," I explained, bragging that I am engaged to the most wonderful man in the world.

"Did you get engaged by the mailboxes at The Landings?" he questioned.

"Oh, my God! You were the guy walking by!"

Could the world get any smaller???

Actually, the answer to that is yes.

I went to Robert's house and shared what had happened and his mom told us that that guy was the one she was talking to about renting some property for her work!!

Geez....well, I'm one of the few people who can claim that their engagment story goes on for three days. :)

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