The current mood of Siann at
My World ::

I wonder if I subconciously do things just to amuse myself.

***WARNING: If you DON'T care to know about my underwear, just stop reading now and wait for the next update. You've been warned.***

So, earlier this week I was at Wal-mart, and I decided that I needed to get some new underwear (actually, I didn't "decide" as much as saw it and went "oooh, pretty...I want"), so I did. Six pair. Most of it pink. Dark pink. Almost red. Kind of reminds me of Valentine's Day *gag*. Amid all of the pinkness, I also got two white's important to the story, so just bear with me.

Well, today is the first Friday that has rolled around since I got my new underwear. Friday is laundry day. I still haven't really mastered the whole "sorting" thing. I have the basic categories of "light", "dark", etc, but some how since I began doing laundry, I have developed categories such as "underwear", "things with chickens on them", and "things I'll only wear around blind people".

Anyway, the "underwear" category was up in the line of things to be washed, so I tossed the underwear and detergent in the washer with the hot water. Well, the first time you wash anything, it bleeds pretty badly. Long story short, my underwear went into the machine either white, pink or blue and 26 minutes later when I was transfering them to the dryer, I noticed that they were now either pink, darker pink or purple.

I didn't really mean to do it, but I found it amusing after the fact. I mean, it's not like it was my white work shirt I had dyed pink. It was underwear. How many people are honestly going to see my underwear? And if they do see it, how are they going to know that it wasn't that colour to start out with?

So, that's my totally pointless story. Two things have happened because of this entry though:

1) You now know what colour my undies are. Try as you might, you won't be able to shake that.

2) You have just spent two minutes of your life to learn the fact in #1. That's two minutes you'll NEVER get back (MWAHAHAHAHA).

And now for something completely different: Silent Night
You are 'Silent Night'! You really enjoy
Christmas, and you like your Christmases
conventional. For you, Christmas is about
family and traditions, and you rather enjoy the
rituals of going to church at midnight and
turning off the lights before flaming the plum
pudding. Although you find Christmas shopping
frustrating, you like the excitement of
wrapping and hiding presents, and opening a
single door on the Advent Calendar each day.
You like the traditional carols, and probably
teach the children to sing along to them. More
than anyone else, you will probably actually
have a merry Christmas.

What Christmas Carol are you?
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