The current mood of Siann at
My World ::
More colour!!

So, I was looking around the apartment last night and decided that I need more colour. If you've seen my place lately, you know that I have approximately three things on the walls. Total. Add the amount of pictures and whatnot on every wall in my apartment together and you get three. I was looking around, wondering what I could do to add colour to my place.

I decided that staring at the same blank walls that I've been looking at for three months wasn't going to be of any use, so I decided to go to the store and see what they had to offer.

I wondered around Wal-mart, looking at all of the pictures and posters that they had in the aisles. I had almost given up the hunt, when it almost jumped off the shelf at me.

"Perfect! That will be absolutely perfect in my bathroom!" I thought.

I paid for the item, brought it back to my apartment and placed it in the bathroom, and I was right, definately more colour.

What is this amazing item I found, you ask? Well, I'll give you a hit: It turned the water in my toilet bowl blue and it promises to remain that way for 2000 flushes.

It's the little things in life. =)

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